Fossend Publishing

Fossend Publishing

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Juggling with words

When people hear that I write, the reaction is often "Cool that must be amazing!" and I agree, it is.

What they are unaware of though is how intensive writing is and how at times, it can seem a lot like juggling. 

I am currently in the process of what will hopefully be a final edit of my Novella Integrate, the cover is almost signed off and then, once the final tweaks are done, it will be published.

In the meantime, whilst Integrate is with my editor, I am working on my full length novel (with working title of 'Thebes'), the full draft is now complete and I have started editing.  It is a long process of being critical, fact checking, re-writing where necessary, all in preparation for it to then go to my editor who will do the same. Then we will more than likely repeat the process a few times...

I have also started researching the next novel 'Elena's Island' which will involve both historical research as well as research about the Island on which it is set (Zakynthos).  This can be grueling as I need to ensure that the facts are 100% right, I don't want any mistakes. 

In the background I am also working on my branding, my tagline, overhauling my website and book cover ideas for 'Thebes' and 'Elena's Island'.  I also have a Facebook author page, twitter and this blog to keep up to date.  It is true when they say a writer's work is never done!

Despite the above I enjoy what I do and am grateful to have support from family, friends, fellow authors, and my followers.  I love my characters and enjoy delving into the interesting lives they lead and seeing the fantastic places they visit.  So yes what I do is amazing, and I am thankful that I am able to do what I love, despite occasionally having to juggle.