Fossend Publishing

Fossend Publishing

Friday, 16 September 2011

Moving forward

The week has been busy, the last set of corrections are currently being done to 'Integrate', and I hope that it will go live on amazon kindle in the run up to Christmas.

This week has been all about the book cover. I've had a good think about what it will look like and come up with something deep, dark and dramatic. Intrigued? Hope so!

A brief including story synopsis has been written and sent to a designer who hopes to take my garbled notes and ideas and turn them into something spectacular! Can't wait to see what it looks like.

The next job will be a final check of the text before sign off and upload. That's the scary bit, and always a bit nerve wracking as once that green light goes, I always wonder should I have done one last check? Could I have changed anything to make it better? Was there anything missing? Learning when to say 'it's done and ready to go' is very difficult!

Once that's done it will be back to 'Thebes' for corrections and re-writes before it's sent off for agent submission.  

The writing never ends... But i do love it :)

Monday, 12 September 2011

A new start

The first blog of hopefully many to come!

It has been a busy few months, life has taken me on a slight meander and I have been deep in organising film shoots, crews for corporate clients etc. That's the day job... 
Days off and weekends are spent working on my next book and also a short story.

The short story will hopefully be finished and out in time for Christmas, just a last few re-writes and corrections and it will be ready to go. The title is 'Integrate'. The story? Spoilers! You'll just have to wait a little longer!

The book is well over ten thousand words in now and re-writes continue all the time. At the moment it only has a working title 'Thebes', it is set in Egypt and hopefully has a good mix, of intrigue, danger and suspense that the first book had. 

I have also signed up to do an Archaeology course with Exeter University, starting January. It will be for 6 months and I'm very excited about it. Once I start I will be able to tell you all about it!

That's it for now. Will write more news soon.

C x